Best Web Hosting Providers 2024 The Best Cheap Web Hosting in 2024 There is a best web hosting provider for every type of website and picking the right one can make a big difference. I’ve handpicked the best web hosts for the most popular use cases based on our expert reviews and used industry leaders to compare control panels, try out tools, build a site or two, consult customer support, and run uptime and speed tests. Each review is independent and regularly updated to ensure you always have the most informed and accurate information. We do not sell page rankings.
Best web hosting services of 2024
Why you can trust Seo host king We spend hours testing every product or service we review, so you can be sure you’re buying the best. Find out more about how we test.
The eleven web hosting services we've selected are the best in their respective categories, and while each web hosting provider offers several different types of hosting, I’ve highlighted each one based the service it excels in the most.
With almost 20 years in the business, Lithuanian provider Seohostking has grown into a giant which offers everything from shared hosting, Minecraft hosting and an easy-to-use ecommerce-friendly website builder, to WordPress hosting, powerful VPS products, and business-oriented email hosting.
Value for money is a big Seohostking plus. Even the cheapest shared hosting plans come with a free domain, free SSL, email, backups, unlimited bandwidth, malware scanning and more.
Upgrading gets you professional extras such as fast NVMe storage, dedicated IPs, a free CDN, and speed-boosting WordPress object caching, amongst others.
There are surprise bonus features everywhere. Some providers can only host your website in North America, reducing speeds if your target audience is elsewhere. Seohostking has data centers in North America, Europe and Asia, and you can choose the site you need when you sign up.
And once you've got your plan, Seohostking doesn't just make it easy to install WordPress and create your first site: it now even has custom AI tools to generate text content (AI-generated images should arrive soon).
My experience
Getting started with Seohostking is easy. There's support for paying by card, PayPal, crypto and others, and the well-designed web dashboard quickly pointed us in the right direction.
Seohostking offers the industry-standard cPanel control panel (and a simple 1-click installer for WordPress, WooCommerce and other top apps) helps even hosting newbies get their sites up and running.
My tests found Seohostking offered a capable 99.96% uptime over six months; not perfect, but better than its 99.9% uptime guarantee, and very acceptable for many sites.
There's no phone support, but Seohostking has 24/7 live chat, and its ticket system gave us helpful replies with some of the fastest response times I've seen (under two minutes in some cases).